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Sheffield’s Labour MPs launch petition

Sheffield’s Labour MPs with their Council colleagues on Friday launched a petition to safeguard Sheffield’s steel industry.

Sheffield Hillsborough MP, Angela Smith has also laid a motion in Parliament calling for more help from the government for Sheffield’s steel industry.

While the MPs welcome the £5 million skills retention package provided by the government they would like to see more help for the industry.

Angela is also demanding the Council should make the surplus land around Corus a priority and that it should engage in discussions with Corus as to how the land could best be taken off the company’s hands, thereby helping it reduce costs at this difficult time.

Commenting on the petition, Angela said,

“It is important we do all we can to help the steel industry in Sheffield and I welcome the help of fellow MPs and Councillors in doing just that. The petition will help to raise the profile of Sheffield’s steel industry. My motion in Parliament has already been signed by a number of fellow MPs which helps make sure the issues facing the steel industry are in Ministers’ minds.”

Angela signs the petition

Angela signs the petition

Issued : 18 July 2009

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