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Angela welcomes Lord Mandelson to Stocksbridge

Business Secretary Lord Mandelson visited workers at Corus Stocksbridge on Friday 17th July to talk to workers at the plant.

The visit, which was at the request of local MP Angela Smith, was designed to show the Business Secretary at first hand the plant which produces some of the most specialised steel in the world.

Lord Mandelson assured workers at the plant that he would do all he could to make sure that plant continues to produce that steel. During his visit to the plant he toured the labs where specialised steels are tested for quality.

Commenting on the visit, Angela Smith said,

“I felt it important the Business Secretary saw at first hand just how much skill goes into making steel products at the Stocksbridge plant. It was also important that he saw workers at the plant first hand and listened to their concerns and hopes for a better future. While I have welcomed the help the government has given to Corus I thought it important that he saw for himself how important this plant is to steel making, hopefully it will reinforce his view that steel is the cornerstone of British manufacturing.


Issued : 17 July 2009

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