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Online Surgery

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Picture of Angela Smith, MP, in her constituency office

Please complete as many fields as possible, and all those marked with Your postal address is required if you need to receive a written reply, and phone numbers and / or an e-mail address are helpful in case we need to contact you for more information or clarification. Please note that I cannot assist you if you do not live in the Sheffield Hillsborough constituency. We will try to attend to your enquiry as quickly as possible, during our office hours.

Alternatively I can be contacted by the methods below:

  1.  PHONE Constituency Office on   0114 2831855
  2.  WRITE Constituency Office at :-
      The MP’s office,
      The ARC
      Town Hall
      Manchester Road,   Stocksbridge, S36 2DT
  3.  WRITE the House of Commons :-
      Angela Smith MP (Sheffield Hillsborough)
      House of Commons,
      London, SW1A 0AA
  4. EMAIL -
  5.  SEE ANGELA at one of her Advice Surgeries

Parliamentary Protocol : Please note that there is a strict convention at Westminster that Members of Parliament do not seek to intervene in matters affecting the constituents of other Members. In normal circumstances, therefore, I will only be able to pursue matters raised by my own constituents.

Privacy Policy : The information you enter here is retained and used by my office in Sheffield. We will always use any information you give to us with discretion. We may use your details to contact you as a constituent. In the case of a complaint against, or dispute with, a third party, we may have to contact the third party concerned, and may have to pass your name or any other information you have provided to these third parties.

By using the form on this website, you confirm that you give your permission to pursue the matters you bring to me. In order to do so, we may use all the information you have provided about yourself, including sensitive personal information. You understand we will do so in line with the requirements of the Data Protection Act 1998.

Full details of this are provided on this site in the Privacy Policy

Advice Surgeries

Meet your MP by Appointment at an Advice Surgery
Meet your MP by appointment at an Advice Surgery

How I can help

There are many things that I can do as your MP, but some that I cannot. Find out how I can help you here ...

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